Dark Seed

Dark Seed is an adventure game which capitalizes on the drawings of famous horror designer H. R. Giger as a source of background artwork and inspiration.

You play Mike Dawson, an ad company manager who, in pursuit of his goal in life to become a writer, purchases a solitary mansion in a small town called Woodland Hills. Although the low cost and hush-hush transactions when purchasing the house do raise your suspicion, the solitary environment and sheer beauty of the house crush common sense and you decide to buy the house. That's when trouble begin. Upon reaching the house, you suddenly feel tired. You find a bed and fall asleep...

... and wake up from a terrible dream, only to find out that your life has just become a worse nightmare: an unknown source has implanted a seed of darkness in your mind, and you only have three days to find a way to stop it.

Followed By Dark Seed II
Series Dark Seed (1)
Added March 8, 2020
Published By Cyberdreams
GAGA Communications
Developed By Cyberdreams
Incentive Software
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Australia) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Australia) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Reference Card (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Reference Card (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Spain) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Spain) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (Spain) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
IGDB Cover from igdb.com
Intro sequence - The alien ship is arriving (DOS) from mobygames.com
Title Screen (DOS) from mobygames.com
1st day - Alien embryo is being implanted in Mike Dawson's brain (DOS) from mobygames.com
After a horrifying nightmare... (DOS) from mobygames.com
Taking shower in the bathroom is everyday ritual (DOS) from mobygames.com
The second bedroom is really simply equipped (DOS) from mobygames.com
A library card found in the trench coat (DOS) from mobygames.com
Holding the blue print for your large house (DOS) from mobygames.com
In the dark and damp secret room (DOS) from mobygames.com
The postman just delivered a parcel (DOS) from mobygames.com
A baby doll transformed into a grotesque alien demon (DOS) from mobygames.com
This car in the garage doesn't look drivable (DOS) from mobygames.com
Interior of the car - there is a pair of gloves somewhere (DOS) from mobygames.com
Using a crowbar to open the chest in the attic (DOS) from mobygames.com
Quiet street of the Woodland Hills (DOS) from mobygames.com
Buying a bottle of scotch in Klug's food market (DOS) from mobygames.com
Local barber serving a customer (DOS) from mobygames.com
Entrance to an old library (DOS) from mobygames.com
Conversation with a very attractive librarian Sue (DOS) from mobygames.com
A bookshelf in the library (DOS) from mobygames.com
A journal scrap found in the green book (DOS) from mobygames.com
Interesting name on one of the tombstones (DOS) from mobygames.com
In front of the creepy mausoleum in the cemetery (DOS) from mobygames.com
A lot of vases in the mausoleum's basement (DOS) from mobygames.com
2nd day - A vision of Mike Dawson morphing into a hideous creature (DOS) from mobygames.com
Entering the Dark World through now repaired mirror (DOS) from mobygames.com
On the other side of the mirror (DOS) from mobygames.com
The plans for a gruesome experiment on you (DOS) from mobygames.com
Observation deck - there is a pair of binoculars (DOS) from mobygames.com
A view through binoculars on the alien landscape (DOS) from mobygames.com
Watching the victims of a bio mechanical leech (DOS) from mobygames.com
It was a very bad idea to touch the Ancient (DOS) from mobygames.com
Mike is put in the empty case by Dreketh guard (DOS) from mobygames.com
In the prison after being arrested (DOS) from mobygames.com
Your lawyer friend Delbert playing with his dog (DOS) from mobygames.com
Walking through the gloomily looking alien park (DOS) from mobygames.com
A narrow bridge guarded by the alien dog (DOS) from mobygames.com
Being arrested by the alien police officer (DOS) from mobygames.com
In the Dark World version of the prison (DOS) from mobygames.com
Dreketh Guards recruitment center (DOS) from mobygames.com
Located in the great archive chamber (DOS) from mobygames.com
The Keeper of the Scrolls gives you valuable information (DOS) from mobygames.com
3rd day - A vision of Mike Dawson's head changing into the skull (DOS) from mobygames.com
Viewing a microfiche film in the library (DOS) from mobygames.com
The floor in your basement was hiding car keys (DOS) from mobygames.com
Approaching the organic computer of the Ancients (DOS) from mobygames.com
In the control center of the alien ship (DOS) from mobygames.com
4th day - Alien embryo from Mike Dawson's head just hatched (DOS) from mobygames.com
Cautious sergeant in the police station (DOS) from mobygames.com
Intro sequence - The alien ship is arriving (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Amiga) from mobygames.com
1st day - Alien embryo is being implanted in Mike Dawson's brain (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Mike awakens after a horrifying nightmare (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Taking shower in the bathroom is everyday ritual (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The second bedroom is really simply equipped (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Holding the blue print for your large house (Amiga) from mobygames.com
In the dark and damp secret room (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The postman just delivered a parcel (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A baby doll transformed into a grotesque alien demon (Amiga) from mobygames.com
This car in the garage doesn't look drivable (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Interior of the car - there is a pair of gloves somewhere (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Using a crowbar to open the chest in the attic (Amiga) from mobygames.com
An article about an incredible crime wave in the city (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Quiet street of the Woodland Hills (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Buying a bottle of scotch in Klug's food market (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Local barber serving a customer (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Entrance to an old library (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Conversation with a very attractive librarian Sue (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A bookshelf in the library (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A journal scrap found in the green book (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Interesting name on one of the tombstones (Amiga) from mobygames.com
In front of the creepy mausoleum in the cemetery (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A lot of vases in the mausoleum's basement (Amiga) from mobygames.com
2nd day - A vision of Mike Dawson morphing into a hideous creature (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Entering the Dark World through now repaired mirror (Amiga) from mobygames.com
On the other side of the mirror (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The plans for a gruesome experiment on you (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Observation deck - there is a pair of binoculars (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A view through binoculars on the alien landscape (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Watching the victims of a bio mechanical leech (Amiga) from mobygames.com
It was a very bad idea to touch the Ancient (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Mike is put in the empty case by Dreketh guard (Amiga) from mobygames.com
In the prison after being arrested (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Your lawyer friend Delbert playing with his dog (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Walking through the gloomily looking alien park (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A narrow bridge guarded by the alien dog (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Being arrested by the alien police officer (Amiga) from mobygames.com
In the Dark World version of the prison (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Dreketh Guards recruitment center (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Located in the great archive chamber (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The Keeper of the Scrolls gives you valuable informations (Amiga) from mobygames.com
3rd day - A vision of Mike Dawson's head changing into the skull (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Viewing a microfiche film in the library (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Cautious sergeant in the police station (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The floor in your basement was hiding car keys (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Approaching the organic computer of the Ancients (Amiga) from mobygames.com
In the control center of the alien ship (Amiga) from mobygames.com
4th day - Alien embryo from Mike Dawson's head just hatched (Amiga) from mobygames.com

Year of Release:


Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Point and Click


Available From: