Dreamfall Chapters

Dreamfall Chapters is a direct sequel to Dreamfall: The Longest Journey and it is the third game in the adventure game series. It was in part funded through a crowd funding campaign, and was released in five separate books over time (each divided into several chapters):

  • Book One: Reborn
  • Book Two: Rebels
  • Book Three: Realms
  • Book Four: Revelations
  • Book Five: Redux
Every newly released book was patched into the same game.

The story continues from the cliffhanger of the last game, and reintroduces the playable characters of Zoë Castillo and Kian Alvane, living in the twin-worlds Stark and Arcadia respectively. Stark represents a futuristic version of the technological world we live in, while Arcadia is a parallel world where magic exists. Additionally, during the occasional interlude the player takes control of a third character, Saga, as she passes through different stages of her life. A big chunk of the action happens in the cities of Europolis (more specifically its Propast district), in Stark, which covers most of central Europe, and Marcuria, in Arcadia, which was also present in The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. These two main locations are open and can be explored freely until the player decides to move the story forward. Other places, such as Storytime or the House of All Worlds, are either linear or simply smaller.

Dreamfall Chapters focuses on storytelling and pathing based on player choices. The player makes decisions that affect the fates of other characters. These choices affect the gameplay in later chapters. One of these choices affects Zoë's storyline already in the first chapter as she takes on different jobs and thus meets different characters. Unlike many other adventure games, it does not rely heavily on combining items in the inventory to solve puzzles, even though there is a small inventory system where items can be examined or used in the environment. Instead Zoë mostly needs to do errands such as bringing information or items to other characters. The game is however very dialogue-focused, and much of the information about the world is told through conversations. Characters can move around freely in the game world using direct control. The camera offers free rotation and zooming. Point-and-click is used to examine items or interact with the environment. The cursors often snaps slightly to certain elements while moving it around to help the player determine where interaction is possible. When multiple actions are available a wheel is shown where icons represent the different options. During conversations different options are shown as words. By hovering the cursor over them, Zoë provides a preview of what it represents.

Preceded by Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Series The Longest Journey (3)
Added March 8, 2020
Published By Red Thread Games
Developed By Red Thread Games
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Media (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Header Image (Windows) from Steam
IGDB Cover from igdb.com
Loading screen (Windows) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Windows) from mobygames.com
Main menu (Windows) from mobygames.com
The game has an animated sequence that provides a re-cap of the story so far, using footage from Dreamfall. (Windows) from mobygames.com
A scene from the animated sequence leading up to the game's events (Windows) from mobygames.com
Title screen for the first book (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: in Chinatown (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: a demonstration (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: welding unit robot (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: Queenie, in Chinatown (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: someone is watching. (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: light my fire. (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: a strange place (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: Pappa - Daddy (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: Mamma - Mommy (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 1: the choices we take have consequences. (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 2: Marcuria by night (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 2: Kian and the rebels (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 2: familiar sights and places (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 2: Kian is not very good with subtle threats... (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 2: Reapmoon Festival (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 2: Zoë's new hairstyle (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 3: Crow is back! (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 3: a meeting of old friends... (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 3: Mira comes from the Burns Flipper school of eloquence (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 3: Glad to see people still know their classics in the future (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 3: Zoë in Arcadian clothes (Windows) from mobygames.com
Book 3: Marcuria by day (Windows) from mobygames.com
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Trailer 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

Year of Release:


Camera View:

Control Type:
Point and Click

Fantasy Sci-Fi

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