
A remake of sorts to the original Oo-Topos.The game now offers graphics to illustrate the proceedings from the originals all text version. On top of that, this version of the game has reduced the number of rooms and altered the solution to the game effectively giving the player a new adventure to solve.

Added July 22, 2020
Published By Polarware
Developed By Polarware
Front Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Manual (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Reference Card (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
The starting location (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Exploring... (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
There is an alien here... (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Hmm, a gravtube. (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
A biology or medical lab? (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
There is a snarl here (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Some more exploring... (Double Hi-Res mode) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
The starting location (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Hmm, which way to go? (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
There is an angry guard here (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Exploring... (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Title screen (DOS) from mobygames.com
Starting location (DOS) from mobygames.com
What is this pillar for? (DOS) from mobygames.com
The computer console onboard your ship (DOS) from mobygames.com
Playing in text only (DOS) from mobygames.com
One of the many obstacles in the game (DOS) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Hercules Monochrome) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Starting a new game in the prison cell (Hercules Monochrome) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Caught trying to escape (Hercules Monochrome) (DOS) from mobygames.com
In the laboratory (Hercules Monochrome) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Trapped in your cell (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Hmm, which way to go? (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
There is an angry guard here (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Exploring... (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Hmm, a lounge... (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The adventure starts in this cell (Amiga) from mobygames.com
There is an alien here (Amiga) from mobygames.com
You are in a large chamber (Amiga) from mobygames.com
You have found a snarl (Amiga) from mobygames.com
4-D mirrors can be confusing... (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A grix is watching you! (Amiga) from mobygames.com

Year of Release:

Interactive Fiction Traditional

Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Text Parser


Available From: