
Tellurian, the 2004 sequel to Googoltek's 2001 release, Umbra, can be described in two words: Ed Wood. Yes, that Ed Wood. The Ed Wood who gave the world such film classics as Bride of the Monster, Glen or Glenda, and, of course, Plan 9 from Outer Space. Since Ed's work frequently lands him on lists of Worst Directors Ever, describing a movie or computer game in terms of Ed's accomplishments might seem like the ultimate thumb down. And that would be the case if I didn't happen to find Ed's work enormously entertaining. Then again, what I find entertaining about Ed's work lies well outside the qualities that draw most folks to the movies or to computer games. More on Ed and his qualities later. First, let's run down Tellurian's technical details.

Preceded by Umbra
Series Umbra (2)
Added September 15, 2020
Published By GoogolTek Software
Developed By GoogolTek Software

Year of Release:


Puzzle Adventure

Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Point and Click