
By the year 2090 AD, the usage of time machines (also known as "interkrons") became restricted. Temporal Corps strictly forbade traveling to the past due to potential unforeseen consequences of the traveler's actions. However, Zeke S. Vettenmyer, a Lieutenant in the Temporal Corps, has illegally acquired an interkron, traveled to various time periods and altered well-known historical events. As a result, the temporal disruption caused by his actions is threatening to destroy reality as we known it. A Temporal Corps private is sent to the past in an attempt to pursue Vettenmyer and reverse the changes he made to the world's history.

Timequest is a text adventure with graphics utilizing the same interface as Legend's first game: it provides a long list of verbs to interact with still first-person screens displaying locations and people, but also allows and encourages typing commands for the same purpose. The player travels to six geographical locations within nine different time periods from 1361 BC to 1940 AD. It is possible to access any location at any time as the game begins. The player can opt to work on one location continuously, but often it is necessary to acquire items from different areas to solve puzzles.

The famous events Vettenmyer has tampered with include the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC, the attempted overthrow of the Caliph of Baghdad in 800 AD, Genghis Khan's siege of Peking in 1215, Napoleon's attack on Egypt in 1798, etc. Among the illustrious people the player encounters are baby Moses, Pope Leo I, William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, and others.

Added March 8, 2020
Published By Mindscape
Legend Entertainment
Developed By Legend Entertainment
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Extras (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Extras (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Extras (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Extras (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Extras (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Header Image (Windows) from Steam
IGDB Cover from igdb.com
Title screen (DOS) from mobygames.com
Introduction (DOS) from mobygames.com
Starting location (DOS) from mobygames.com
Map mode (DOS) from mobygames.com
Inside the interkron (DOS) from mobygames.com
Meeting Caesar and Cleopatra (DOS) from mobygames.com
Meeting Cleo once again! (DOS) from mobygames.com
You can talk to characters about all kinds of topics, whether plot related or not. A little chat about god or religion is always possible, for example. (DOS) from mobygames.com
We arrived in a cave near the city of Baghdad in the year 1215. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Visiting the city's bazaar. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The fates of the characters you encounter are sometimes lucky, sometimes sad. (DOS) from mobygames.com
You even have a chance to see one of the world's seven wonders, before it gets destroyed. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Peking in 1215: the city is besieged by Genghis Khan and his army. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Among others, we disturb the ceremonies of Buddhist monks... (DOS) from mobygames.com
...and Aztec priests! (DOS) from mobygames.com
Whether you're killed or worshipped is sometimes just a question of the right costume. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Arriving in Cairo (DOS) from mobygames.com
Medieval England (DOS) from mobygames.com
Sir Winston Churchill himself (DOS) from mobygames.com
Exploring China in 1361 BC. There was no Peking at that time!.. The game teaches you about some commands (DOS) from mobygames.com
Hmm... This DOES look like a city built at a much later time period. Definitely anachronistic (DOS) from mobygames.com
Now this is more fitting - the Forbidden City was already an established feature in the 18th century (DOS) from mobygames.com
Dover looks too civilized and modern during its clearly prehistoric times... (DOS) from mobygames.com
...but things do change over the course of time! Not much, though - this architectural upgrade is all they have achieved in 3000 years!.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Visiting the Stonehenge. Looking at it (DOS) from mobygames.com
A tavern in England. The innkeeper is the same guy for 3000+ years - impressive life span! The game reacts to my inappropriate sexual attempts (DOS) from mobygames.com
You found a conch shell. You take it. You put it back. Wee!.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
An example of the game NOT reacting too well to my attempts at interaction... (DOS) from mobygames.com
Mexico cannot be visited during all time periods. It's a more restricted area generally, and not much changes there (DOS) from mobygames.com
Rome, on the other hand, is one of the game's livelier locations. These sewers welcome you during all time periods... (DOS) from mobygames.com
...except before the foundation of the city! The glorious Rome wasn't yet built in 1361 BC. The rat is still there, though... (DOS) from mobygames.com
In one of the game's most memorable scenes, the royal children of Egypt find... Baby Moses! (DOS) from mobygames.com
Rome in 1940. The picture doesn't change much; the descriptions do, naturally (DOS) from mobygames.com
You pretend to be a janitor to foil the plans of those two infamously nefarious characters (DOS) from mobygames.com
It's 452 AD - Huns are determined to attack Rome. I'd imagine this Hun a bit more Asian than the way he looks in this game... (DOS) from mobygames.com
In Attila's hut, you meet the great Pope Leo I, who single-handedly prevented the invasion (DOS) from mobygames.com
It's refreshing to visit the center of Christianity at that relatively early and less corrupted time. There seems to be nothing to do here, though (DOS) from mobygames.com
Look how much fancier the whole place looks during the corrupted Renaissance. Another Pope Leo is here - but that must be Leo X, so remote from his saintly namesake!.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Ahh, what wouldn't you do to save Europe? I guess you don't care for China's fate... Then again - it's a natural impulse (DOS) from mobygames.com
You'll need to solve puzzles in other places and times to get past those soldiers (DOS) from mobygames.com
Queen Elizabeth! Your Majesty!.. Can you please not persecute Catholics?! What's that - I'd better talk to Queen Mary?.. ... ... Ouch. Touche (DOS) from mobygames.com
You are one step away from completing the prehistoric Mexican quest. Can you do the right thing in this very suspenseful moment?.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Oh my, it was a pain in the neck to find my way through the very tricky maze and discover this crucial costume... it's a tough game!.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The famed coronation of Charlemagne in 800 AD. To make him accept the crown is one of the game's hardest, most ingeniously convoluted tasks!.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Baghdad wasn't even remotely there at that time. At least the description is apt (DOS) from mobygames.com
So is this Baghdad or is this Babylon? Come on, they weren't in exactly same location!.. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The Tower of Babel is, in fact, one of the final screens in the game. You can access it right in the beginning with the proper password. But the endgame is locked until you solve all the quests... (DOS) from mobygames.com
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam

Year of Release:


Interactive Fiction Traditional

Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Text Parser


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