On June 01, the United Nations received the message, "Good Morning. Just thought I'd drop a line to let you know that precisely at 8 pm on June 9th, I'll be destroying the world's five largest cities with thermal nuclear weapons". The delegates of the U.N. decided you were the only one with a deranged enough mind to stop this madman, so it's up to you alone to save the lives of 50 million people.
The player types VERB NOUN commands to travel locations, perform actions, and solve puzzles. The player starts at the U.N., and must travel to Paris, Rome, London, Miami, and San Juan to solve puzzles, and figure out who is planning this destruction. They ultimately learn the evil Count Stuportino, who has a hidden lair in Martinique, is the one responsible for this mayhem. The player ultimately puts an end to his plans. There are also two arcade sequences. The player needs to compete in a water-skiing competition in Miami to win a towel, and they have to shoot down nuclear missiles using a plasma beam gun to stop them from destroying the major cities.