D: The Game

The story begins in 1997. It's the dead of night in the city of Los Angeles, and there has been a mass murder at a general hospital on the outskirts of downtown. The perpetrator is the director of the hospital, Richter Harris. He has shut himself up in the hospital and taken a number of patients as hostages, leaving the police helpless and unable to move in. Richter's only daughter, Laura Harris, after hearing the situation, rushes to Los Angeles from San Francisco, and drives alone to the tragic scene at the hospital ground. Upon entering the hospital Laura finds herself transported to an old mansion, while the disembodied voice of her father pleads with her to leave. Nevertheless she must press forward to save her father and herself.

D is a puzzle game requiring Laura to solve esoteric inventory puzzles on a very strict time limit. Each of the game's four discs must be completed in about thirty minutes each, and saving is not an option. The time is kept track of using Laura's pocket watch. The pocket watch can also be used to supply hints for puzzles, but after three uses the glass will shatter and it will stop working. The game also has multiple endings.

Series D (1)
Added March 8, 2020
Published By Acclaim Entertainment
Panasonic Software Company
Developed By Rozner Labs Software Group
Front Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
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Back Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (France,Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (France,Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (France,Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France,Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (France,Germany,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Other (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Other (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Media (Australia,Belgium,France,Germany,Italy,Luxembourg,Spain,The Netherlands,United Kingdom) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Windows) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Linux) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Manual (Worldwide) (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Header Image (Windows) from Steam
IGDB Cover from igdb.com
Title screen. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The full moon shines bright above the Los Angeles Hospital dome. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Why would Laura's father, a doctor, go on a murderous rampage? (DOS) from mobygames.com
Laura enters the hospital and is struck emotionally by what she finds inside. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Freshly dead bodies all over the hospital. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Not a single person's life was spared. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Laura surveys the damage. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Laura finds a ghostly object in the hospital hallway. I don't think that touching it is the best course of action. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Now she's done it. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Laura's transported to a mansion, a product of her father's mind. Gameplay starts here. Navigation is seen from Laura's perspective. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Locked inside. Actions and cutscenes are usually seen from a third-person perspective. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Laura's inventory. Her watch (left) ticks in real time. The game starts at 3:00 and must be completed by 5:00. Her mirror (center) will provide a hint at most thrice. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Danger lurks in unexpected places. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Seeing Laura's frightful reactions adds to the atmosphere of the game. (DOS) from mobygames.com
An apparition of Laura's father warns her to turn back and leave the hospital. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Unlocking a door. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Just a peek. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Laura wishes she hadn't seen what's behind that door. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Run like Indiana Jones! (DOS) from mobygames.com
The gears puzzle. Laura must align the red dot on the left gear with the hole in the right gear, using the levers to control how much each gear turns. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Toss in a coin for good luck. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Corpses, corpses everywhere. (DOS) from mobygames.com
This painting wasn't smiling before. (DOS) from mobygames.com
People you know? (DOS) from mobygames.com
Stained-glass window. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Care for some stargazing tonight? (DOS) from mobygames.com
Face-to-face with imminent death. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Find as many scarabs as you can... (DOS) from mobygames.com
...to trigger visions that enhance the plot. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The final stretch. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The story starts in 1997, Los Angeles (Windows) from mobygames.com
Dr. Richter is holding hostages in a hospital and police has cordoned off the area (Windows) from mobygames.com
When Richter's daughter, the player, saw the news on TV, she sped toward the hospital (Windows) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Windows) from mobygames.com
The moon is looking ominous tonight (Windows) from mobygames.com
Entering the hospital (Windows) from mobygames.com
You can see the victims the moment you enter the hospital lobby (Windows) from mobygames.com
A dinning room behind a strange portal (Windows) from mobygames.com
Looking yourself in the mirror (Windows) from mobygames.com
What's behind the door number 1 (Windows) from mobygames.com
No doubt she's regretting opening that door now (Windows) from mobygames.com
Pause menu (Windows) from mobygames.com
Who is this woman? And why is she so scared? You'll find out by the end of the game (Windows) from mobygames.com
Which one do we open first? (Windows) from mobygames.com
Inventory (Windows) from mobygames.com
Locker puzzle (Windows) from mobygames.com
What could I do with this ring? (Windows) from mobygames.com
Operating a rotation device (Windows) from mobygames.com
A hilarious scene in which Laura runs from a boulder (Windows) from mobygames.com
Rotating symbols puzzle (Windows) from mobygames.com
What did you see there Laura? (Windows) from mobygames.com
A scarab -- gotta catch them all (Windows) from mobygames.com
A mysterious face appears to haunt Laura (Windows) from mobygames.com
A strange scene where Laura wiggles her finger in the keyhole (Windows) from mobygames.com
A statue in the park (Windows) from mobygames.com
Now, which color corresponds what symbol? (Windows) from mobygames.com
Looking for a hint (Windows) from mobygames.com
The hint can be used up to three times (Windows) from mobygames.com
A hall with knight armor (Windows) from mobygames.com
QTE scene (Windows) from mobygames.com
No fan service, unfortunately (Windows) from mobygames.com
I need to get that chest somehow (Windows) from mobygames.com
Climbing up the tower (Windows) from mobygames.com
Psychedelic colors (Windows) from mobygames.com
Cannibalism scene. This game must be banned! (Windows) from mobygames.com
I really don't know the easy way to solve this apparatus puzzle. I did it right by accident (Windows) from mobygames.com
Stairs into the dark (Windows) from mobygames.com
The monster (Windows) from mobygames.com
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam
Official Screenshot (Windows) from Steam

Year of Release:


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Control Type:
Point and Click


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