
You have recieved word from a messenger that the "last dragon" has been kidnapped. You hold the scroll in your hand and read that you must travel with a special companion named Hawkwind. Only with him and yourself can you save the "last dragon" from never seeing the light of day again.

Added February 14, 2021
Published By Trillium
Developed By Trillium
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Manual (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
IGDB Cover from igdb.com
Title screen (DOS) from mobygames.com
sailing...take me away (DOS) from mobygames.com
where's tom sawyer? (DOS) from mobygames.com
The game features artwork throughout by John Pierard. Pierard is a well known illustrator who has drawn for Marvel Comics and Asimov's Magazine. (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
The game was written by the same authors who wrote the fantasy book, "Dragonworld," first published in 1979. The book is frequently compared with the "Hobbit" as a fantasy. (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
For those who haven't read the book, there is a nice introduction to set the mood. You begin as a young hero, Amsel of Fandora. You are friend to a dragon, the "Last Dragon." (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Now your friend is hurt...and you, a mere boy, are the only one who has been given the information needed to ride to the rescue. But, you'll need help. (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
The game leaves you about to sail off to the rescue. I have heard this game rated as not being hard--but even so, it is hard enough to have cheat hints published on the internet. (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
I haven't finished the game yet, because it IS challenging. The hints are there, but that takes the fun out of a text adventure. Byron Preiss and Micheal Reaves are good authors. (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Action sequence: Bogs and Bats (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Action sequence: Dragonstones (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Action sequence: Maze of Madness (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Starting location (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Sailing... and crashed. (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Climbing on board a windship. (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Remember these words... could be useful later? (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Crawling through a tunnel... (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Standing in a plaza... (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Arrived at a makeshift tavern. (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Game start (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
No longer shipwrecked (Macintosh) from mobygames.com
Title screen from mobygames.com
Game start from mobygames.com
Sailing from mobygames.com
Demo - Amsel, King Hawkwind and the last dragon from mobygames.com
Demo - "...evil thieves, vile assassins and noblemen..." from mobygames.com
Demo - City of Kandesh from mobygames.com

Year of Release:

Interactive Fiction Traditional

Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Text Parser



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