Future Wars: Adventures in Time

In the year 1989, a simple window cleaner is working outside of a skyscraper. Intending to play a prank on his angry boss, the unlikely hero discovers a secret passage leading to a time machine along with mysterious alien documents. Operating the device transports the protagonist to the year 1304, where he is given a seemingly ordinary task of rescuing a lady in danger. However, he soon finds out about a much more serious threat of a global alien invasion. The hero has to travel to the remote future of the 44th century and eventually to the even more remote past of the Cretaceous period to foil their plans.

Future Wars is a graphic adventure game, and the first to use Delphine's proprietary Cinematique point-and-click interface. A right click brings up the verb menu. After choosing one of the six commands, the player points the mouse over the desired target and executes the action with a left click. Small objects are depicted by enlarged drawings once they have been discovered; however, many of them are well-hidden and often require precise positioning on the part of the player character to discover. The game has a linear story advancement, and it is possible to die or become irrevocably stuck by failing to locate a crucial item in one of the previous locations.

Added March 8, 2020
Published By Delphine Software International
Front Cover (United States) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Germany,Italy,United Kingdom) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany,Italy,United Kingdom) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Germany,Italy,United Kingdom) (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United Kingdom) (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United Kingdom) (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Media (United Kingdom) (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United Kingdom) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (France) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (South Korea) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Manual (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Reference Card (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (United States) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Spain) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Spain) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Other (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Media (Germany) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Japan) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Japan) from mobygames.com
Spine/Sides (Japan) from mobygames.com
Company logo (Amiga) from mobygames.com
It never rains but it pours (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Who's gonna win? (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Those guys have problems... (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The adventure begins (Amiga) from mobygames.com
First step done, you're inside the building... (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A swamp in the year AD 1304. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A forest. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A medieval village. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Near a large tree. What's that hanging from the tree? (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Inside the inn. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Inside the castle meeting with Lord Torin. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Looks like the monastery is guarded by a wolf (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Inside the monastery. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The head of the monastery. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The cellar of the monastery. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The monastery has some nice stained glass windows. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Rescuing Torin's daughter, but is this girl really a medieval princess? (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Back to the Future! (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Earth AD 4315. Looks like this city got bombed out... (Amiga) from mobygames.com
This whole city has been wiped out... (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Boarding a subway train. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Boarding a futuristic airplane. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
An Earth ship has captured a Crughon ship. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Earth AD 4315. Standing before the Council. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Well, I can't argue with that, now can I? (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Timeline: Ancient Earth... You and Lo Ann stop a Crughon ship and Crughon storm troopers. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Checking out the Crughon ship. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The Crughon ship is taking off. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Onboard the Crughon ship. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Leaving ancient Earth abord the Crughon ship. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Warping through time aboard the Crughon ship. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Inside of the Crughon space station. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The ship has docked. The guards come aboard to check out the ship. Thankfully, you have an invisibility pill. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
A storage room on the Crughon space station. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Running to find the control room on the Crughon space station. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The Crughon space station control room. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
Running through the halls of the Crughons space station. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
The Crughon space station. (Amiga) from mobygames.com
From the intro (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Title screen (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
The starting location (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Office building. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Inside your boss' office. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Swamp. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Forest. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Medieval village. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Inside the inn. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Tree in the forest. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
The monastery is guarded by a wolf. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
There's a beautiful girl held captive here. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Celler. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Monastery. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
The head monk has passed out. Now you can search though his stuff. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Fancy stain glassed windows here. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
A touching reunion. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
But time travel is impossible... Isn't it? (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
The future! Looks pretty bleak to me. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Searching through the bombed out ruins. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Sewer system. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Outside a futuristic building. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
The subway system of the future! (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Airport. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Boarding an aircraft. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
An interesting cave structure. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Arcade sequence - blast the aliens. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Inside the alien ship. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Alien ship. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Ship taking off. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Leaving the earth. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
16 bit graphic warp, Scotty! (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Alien space station. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Docking. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Docking bay. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Cargo hold. (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Running to save the world! (Atari ST) from mobygames.com
Delfphine Sofware company logo (DOS) from mobygames.com
The Title Screen (DOS) from mobygames.com
Them aliens got laser cannons! (DOS) from mobygames.com
The story begins: Our hero at work. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The command line at the bottom shows your action. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The game is *very* !@#$%^&* about correct positions. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Stranded in a medieval swamp. (DOS) from mobygames.com
On the bottom left is the command pop-up. (DOS) from mobygames.com
A village in the year 1304. (DOS) from mobygames.com
An inn in medieval times. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Meeting with Lord Torin inside of the Castle... (DOS) from mobygames.com
How did that habit get in the tree in the first place? :-) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Inside of the monastery. Something odd is going on here, and you need to find out what it is! (DOS) from mobygames.com
Nice stain glass windows there have here. (DOS) from mobygames.com
In the cellar of the monastery. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The room of the father superior. He's a mean old chap. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Add water to electric wolf, let dissolve. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Uh, damsel in distress! (DOS) from mobygames.com
Ménage à trois? (DOS) from mobygames.com
The future, 4000-something. Looks grim. (DOS) from mobygames.com
The whole future city seems to have been bombed out... (DOS) from mobygames.com
The sewer system of the future! (DOS) from mobygames.com
A future building... (DOS) from mobygames.com
Riding on the subway of the future. (DOS) from mobygames.com
"This is an unscheduled hijack!" (DOS) from mobygames.com
The airport. (DOS) from mobygames.com
These Croughons are all knocked out. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Landing the space ships. (DOS) from mobygames.com
A futuristic firing squad. (DOS) from mobygames.com
You team up with Lo Ann a secret agent from the future to stop the Croughon threat. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Title Screen (EGA/TANDY) (DOS) from mobygames.com
You and a pretty agent from the future travel back in time to stop the fiends. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Mowing down a bunch of alien troops. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Let's see if we can get this thing to take off... (DOS) from mobygames.com
All right! We're outta here! (DOS) from mobygames.com
Crougon space station. (EGA/TANDY) (DOS) from mobygames.com
The Croughon space station orbiting their home world. (DOS) from mobygames.com
Yes, this place is big. (DOS) from mobygames.com
OK, can you now avoid getting caught by the guards? (DOS) from mobygames.com
Sneaking around the space station... (DOS) from mobygames.com
RUN MAN, RUN! (DOS) from mobygames.com
The main control room... (DOS) from mobygames.com
Starting the game... Another day in the life of a janitor! (EGA/TANDY) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Medieval village. (EGA/TANDY) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Bombed out city of the future (EGA/TANDY) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Title Screen (CGA) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Getting yelled at by your boss. (CGA) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Medieval village. (CGA) (DOS) from mobygames.com
The future... Doesn't look too bright at the moment. (CGA) (DOS) from mobygames.com
Croughon space station hanger. (CGA) (DOS) from mobygames.com
The intro... from mobygames.com
...turns into the title screen from mobygames.com
Getting started from mobygames.com
Got into your boss's office... from mobygames.com
Command menu. Let's see... from mobygames.com
Oh no, the ceiling is going to crush me! from mobygames.com

Year of Release:


Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Point and Click


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