
The year is 1519, and you are a scribe living in Tenochtitlan, city state of the Aztecs. Lately bad omens including fair-skinned invaders on the eastern seas have been seen. You have been tasked by Lord Montezuma II to find Quetzalcoatl, the great feathered serpent.

Kukulcan is a graphical adventure game, where all commands must be submitted via VERB + NOUN entries. It was designed as an educational adventure to teach about Mesoamerican culture. Gameplay is divided over two disks, and the player is given a password after completing the first disk that allows them to continue their adventure on the second. During the adventure, the player explores multiple cities of Mesoamerica, including the great Aztec cities, as well as Incan and Mayan sites. The player must explore Aztec culture, and also interacts with Cortes and the Spanish Conquistadors. As the plot progresses, the player receives historical background notes about the death of Montezuma II, Cuauhtémoc, the last Aztec emperor, and finally the fall of Tenochtitlan. The player eventually uncovers Quetzacoatl deep within Mayan ruins high in the Andes.

As an educational feature, at any point during the player's adventure, they can press "H", which provides educational or historical background about Mesoamerican culture and technology.

Added February 23, 2021
Published By Phoenix Software, Inc.
Title Screen Disk 1 (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Introduction (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Outside Lord Montezuma's Throneroom (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Instructions for Addressing an Emperor (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Montezuma II (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Montezuma Speaks (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Outside Montezuma's Palace (Apple II) from mobygames.com
The Great Marketplace (Apple II) from mobygames.com
The Skull Rack (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Vase with Remains of Human Sacrifice (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Courtyard of a building on Lake Texcoco (Apple II) from mobygames.com
The Temple of Quetzalcoatl (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Preparing a Sacrifice (Apple II) from mobygames.com
End of Disk 1 (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Title Screen Disk 2 (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Disk 2 Introduction (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Encountering Cortes (Apple II) from mobygames.com
A Spanish Conquistador Blocks your Path (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Montezuma Meets Cortes (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Exploring Mayan ruins to the South (Apple II) from mobygames.com
A Message from Cuauhtemoc (Apple II) from mobygames.com
The Death of Montezuma (Apple II) from mobygames.com
The Fall of the Aztec Empire (Apple II) from mobygames.com

Year of Release:


Interactive Fiction Traditional

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Camera View:

Control Type:
Text Parser

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