Miss Clue: Jane Austen Mysteries – Cruise Most Deadly

Mr. Berkeley has purchased a new yacht, and his daughter Evelyn has invited Jane on the maiden voyage of the “Wanderer” from New Zealand to Australia. The south seas are known for pirates, and it is with some trepidation that Jane makes plans for the crossing.

As the cruise unfolds, the weather and waters around New Zealand portend a safe and uneventful trip, but what lies ahead on the high seas will challenge all of Jane's skills if she is to survive!

Preceded by Miss Clue: Jane Austen Mysteries - Peril in Pemberley
Followed By Miss Clue: Jane Austen Mysteries – Trials Of Salem
Series Miss Clue (4)
Added March 8, 2020
Official Screenshot
Official Screenshot
Official Screenshot
Official Screenshot
Official Screenshot
Official Screenshot

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Investigative Traditional

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