Wannabe pirate Guybrush Threepwood, and the now zombie pirate LeChuck, return in what has long been considered one of the greatest LucasArts adventure games of all time.
Monkey Island 2 Opening Titles
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Guybrush and Elaine have a long conversation at the beginning
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Deep in the Caribbean: Scabb Island
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Guybrush meets Largo. Well, sort of.
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Wally, the mighty cartographer hard at work
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Do I know these guys? Hmmm.
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The only room at Scabb is reserved for Largo
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Grogg may be hazardous to your health
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Scabb Island Overview
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House of Mojo
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Captain Kate can sail you away
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Actual Ingame Shot
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by the ugly statue
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by the big tree
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LeChuck wants his revenge
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Guybrush knows how to act around women
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LucasArts knows how to add nice easter eggs
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Sail away, sail away, sail away! All you need to do is find some charm, though.
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The spitting contest. Just follow the wind... and rearrange those marking flags.
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Oh my, how am I ever gonna find the right book in this library.
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Getting a message while being unconscious.
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A costume shop, hey, maybe there's something inside I could wear
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Enough talk, woman. It's time for some diving.
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I can hold breath for 10 minutes. Guybrush can do that
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Well, and the fourth piece of the map is in safe hands.
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The only way to break free includes spitting. Strange, huh?
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Well, this is highly unhealthy situation.
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And one not carefully lighten match caused all this, yup.
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X marks the spot... but to what? That's the real question.
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Title Screen (Hi-res EGA)
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Scabb Island Bridge (Hi-res EGA)
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On a beach.
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Chatting with some local pirate types.
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Captain's Dread's ship.
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About to get arrested.
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The Governor on Phatt Island.
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Great... How am I going to escape?
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Wheel of Fortune - Caribbean style.
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Outside hole in hillside.
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What's up on that hill?
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A souvenir shop.
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It's LeChuck... No... It's just a guy in a costume.
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Conversation at the beginning (EGA)
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Scabb Island (EGA)
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At the bridge (EGA)
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Wandering around town (EGA)
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Title screen
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Intro sequence
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Intro sequence
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Intro sequence
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Chapter one
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The starting scene
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At the start of the game, Elaine Marley meets up with the hanging Guybrush.
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In the cartographer's shop. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Walking along the shops of Scabb Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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In the inn. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Talking with pirates. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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In the tavern. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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In the kitchen of the tavern. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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In the woodcutter's shop. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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An overhead map of Scabb Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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The cemetery on Scabb Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Near gravestones in the cemetery. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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A beach on Scabb Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Near Captain Dread's charter boat. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Captain Dread has a charter boat. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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In Largo's room. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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On Captain Dread's ship. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Choose what island you want to sail to. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Guybrush has been thrown into this cell. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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The streets of Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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The wharf on Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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A shifty gambler in an alleyway. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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The library on Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Checking out the card catalog at the library. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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An overhead map of Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Outside the governor's mansion on Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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In the governor of Phatt Island's mansion. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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The governor of Phatt Island's room. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Near the waterfall on Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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A odd modern looking tunnel on Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Guybrush stands on a beach on Phatt Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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A old cabin. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Guybrush is on Booty Island. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Guybrush meets with Elaine Marley. (Monkey Island 2 Lite Mode)
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Title screen
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Intro- disrupted monkey dance
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Guybrush meets Elaine in a not so comfortable situation
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The reception of Guybrush's tales isn't the best
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Unfriendly encounter at the start
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Mac specific warning after entering the "rough" command
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Exploring after turning the "rough" mode on. I could live with it, but turned graphics smoothing back on right after this.
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There are some other screen options, including having a small window
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Walking through the kitchen
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Further exploring and encountering more of the local pirates
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Map of Scabb Island
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Captain Dread
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Traveling through the swamp
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Meeting the voodoo lady
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