Pirate Adventure (SAGA #2)

This is the enhanced version of the original all-text Scott Adams Adventure, Pirate Adventure. Additions to the original game include illustrations for each location, and support for the VOTRAX voice synthesizer. Otherwise the game remains essentially the same as the original.

Added February 15, 2021
Published By StarCraft, Inc.
Adventure International
Adventure International (UK)
Developed By Adventure International
Adventure International (UK)
Front Cover (United Kingdom) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United Kingdom) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Media (United Kingdom) (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Media (United States) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Front Cover (Japan) from mobygames.com
Back Cover (Japan) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Japan) from mobygames.com
Inside Cover (Japan) from mobygames.com
Reference Card (Japan) from mobygames.com
Media (Japan) from mobygames.com
Media (Japan) from mobygames.com
Loading Screen (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Startup (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
You start in your flat (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Got the items that were just here (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Checking your score (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Climbed down the stairs to an alcove (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Getting a book from the bookcase reveals a secret passage (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Where does this passage lead to? (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
It leads to the attic (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
It's a long way down (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Shouldn't have jumped (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Splash screen (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Intro (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Setting the scene (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Starting location (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Inventory (Apple II) from mobygames.com
A different view (Apple II) from mobygames.com
To the beach... (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Polly wants a cracker (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Pitch black! (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Woodworking class paid off (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Ship ahoy! (with some assorted junk) (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Awwrrr... (Apple II) from mobygames.com
Off to sail the seven seas. (Apple II) from mobygames.com

Year of Release:

Interactive Fiction Traditional

Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Text Parser


Available From: