Spy-Trek Adventure

As Mike the Spy, you must explore several European countries, in search of some all-important plans. The plans were in the possession of a fellow agent who was unfortunately killed, leaving the plans somewhere in Europe. Your mission will involve getting onto a plane using fake ID, flying without a plane to Switzerland, and then onto Venice. Objects you will encounter include an umbrella, an onion, and a fishing line.

This adventure is written using GAC (Graphic Adventure Creator); as such, most of the screen features visual representations of your surroundings, with text input at the bottom of the screen. Commands are object-sensitive - if you have just GETted a hat, WEAR IT will mean 'WEAR HAT'. The standard commands are joined by a few which you will only need in one situation. Simple directional commands (w, s, up and so on) are used less frequently than in most IF games.

Added February 15, 2021
Published By Americana Software Limited
Media (United Kingdom) (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Meet the monk (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Game starts in a coffin (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Air duct (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
Airport terminal (Commodore 64) from mobygames.com
They can't kill me off (yet) (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Loading screen (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Now I can change in secret (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
What a great word 'skinflint' is (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Waking up somewhere else (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
The parser is efficient here (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
In a tunnel (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
At the airport (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
How can I make that easier for him? (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
The check-in desk (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
The runway (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Inside the plane (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
One of the more surreal solutions (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
At the Eiffel Tower (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Ooh la la (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
The Swiss mountains (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
Inside a cable car (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com
By the lake (ZX Spectrum) from mobygames.com

Year of Release:

Interactive Fiction Traditional

Graphic Style:

Camera View:

Control Type:
Text Parser


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