What a cool copy protection - compare fingerprints of suspects in your manual and identify the one the game shows you! from mobygames.com
The intro sequence continues from mobygames.com
Jeeves, the creepy butler from mobygames.com
Getting settled in... from mobygames.com
A nice view of the house from mobygames.com
Exploring the grounds from mobygames.com
The upstairs hallway from mobygames.com
This doesn't look good... from mobygames.com
Who could this be? from mobygames.com
Oh no! from mobygames.com
Hint: Showers are dangerous! At least certain movies tell us so... from mobygames.com
There are several secret passages in the game! You've discovered one of them. This shot also shows how the game reacts to words it doesn't understand... from mobygames.com
Following a suspect from mobygames.com
Every character has a detailed description. Yes, they are one-dimensional, but that's what Agatha Christie tribute is all about! from mobygames.com
Uh-oh, looks like we've wandered off into some dangerous territory... The game can get quite scary from mobygames.com
I wonder what could be down here? from mobygames.com
The game proudly tells you about itself. Those were the days when games tried out unique concepts more often... from mobygames.com
The clock advances when you trigger it by performing certain actions - as shown here. The game is not real time, but it creates a good illusion of that from mobygames.com
A bell!Should you ring it?.. from mobygames.com
Spying on Henri and Fifi... from mobygames.com
The play house. Hmm, looks like it's locked - how can I enter it?.. from mobygames.com
The carriage house from mobygames.com
Inside the carriage house you find... a carriage. Right. What did you expect, then?.. from mobygames.com
The chapel from mobygames.com
Inside the chapel. It looks sad... from mobygames.com
Characters move around and do stuff on their own all the time. Here, you see a servant catering to an old rich guy in the library from mobygames.com
Applying some oil to a rusty suit of armor from mobygames.com
In the kitchen with Lillian and Celie from mobygames.com
Even the dog gets first class treatment around here from mobygames.com
Laura visits a seemingly abandoned room. Opening the actions menu - there are several convenient shortcuts from mobygames.com
A beautiful view of the garden. I typed "look statue" and that's the description I got from mobygames.com
There are quite a few ways to die in this game, of course. Here, Laura accidentally falls into the water... from mobygames.com
The barn from mobygames.com
A well from mobygames.com
A good view of the mansion from mobygames.com
Laura Bow - Tomb Raider! from mobygames.com
The Colonel's bedroom (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Billiards Room (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Downstairs hallway (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Front porch (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Near the swamp (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Path (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Trophy and gun room (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Fifi's room (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
Outside hedge garden (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
The bathroom (EGA / TANDY) from mobygames.com
The attic. Note the cool lightning effects from mobygames.com
Outside of the house (CGA, higher resolution, but only two colors). The game will sometimes make such comments on its own from mobygames.com
The copy protection screen. from mobygames.com
The game gives you the option of skipping the intro if you've played the game before. from mobygames.com
Intro: Colonel writes his will. from mobygames.com
Intro: The cast of characters. from mobygames.com
Intro: Laura's friend invites her to the Colonel's estate. from mobygames.com
Intro: Going to the Colonel's estate. from mobygames.com
Intro: Arriving at the dock. from mobygames.com
Intro: The Colonel's estate. from mobygames.com
Intro: Dinner. from mobygames.com
Intro: The Colonel. from mobygames.com
I have a notebook. from mobygames.com
In Ethel's room. from mobygames.com
Upstair's hallway. from mobygames.com
The bathroom. from mobygames.com
A secret passage. from mobygames.com
Upstairs. Be careful around that railing, it's broken. from mobygames.com
I fell and died. from mobygames.com
Fifi and the Colonel. from mobygames.com
Fifi's room. from mobygames.com
Downstair's hall. from mobygames.com
Suit of armor. from mobygames.com
Trying to eavesdrop and it's not working! from mobygames.com
Dr. Feels and the Jeeves the butler. from mobygames.com
Oh... It's not like there's a MURDERER lurking about is there? from mobygames.com
Playhouse. from mobygames.com
Stablehouse. from mobygames.com
An oilcan. from mobygames.com
Outside a fancy garden. from mobygames.com
A fancy garden. from mobygames.com
Why is there always locked doors in adventure games? from mobygames.com
A well. from mobygames.com
Doghouse and doors. from mobygames.com
The cook is busy. from mobygames.com
Outside hedge garden. from mobygames.com
Hedge garden. from mobygames.com
Watch out for the alligator! from mobygames.com
Broken bridge. from mobygames.com
The moon reflecting on the water. from mobygames.com
Gazebo. from mobygames.com
Statue of the Colonel in front of the mansion. from mobygames.com
The Colonel's Bequest from mobygames.com
The cast of the game appears on stage. from mobygames.com
A nice sunny peaceful day for our hero, but things are about to change... from mobygames.com
Coming to the mansion in the intro. from mobygames.com
"Ah! Another visitor! Stay awhile... Stay forever!" from mobygames.com
Dinner begins. from mobygames.com
The man himself. from mobygames.com
Act 1 begins. from mobygames.com
Larua talks to Ethel. from mobygames.com
The bathroom. from mobygames.com
The Colonel's room. from mobygames.com
Dr. Feel's room. from mobygames.com
A secret passageway. from mobygames.com
Spying on the Colonel and Fifi. from mobygames.com
Upstairs hall. from mobygames.com
Fifi's room. from mobygames.com
Suit of armor. from mobygames.com
Billards room. from mobygames.com
Lounge. from mobygames.com
Downstairs hallway. from mobygames.com
Kitchen. from mobygames.com
The butler serves a guest. from mobygames.com
Fifi dusting in the study. from mobygames.com
Venturing outside. from mobygames.com
Path. from mobygames.com
A statue of the Colonel in his war years. from mobygames.com
The well is nearby. from mobygames.com
Looking down the well. from mobygames.com
Exploring. from mobygames.com
Laura tries to play the Crocodile Hunter and fails. Oh, Crikey! from mobygames.com
The year is 1925. Laura Bow is a young student attending the Tulane University in New Orleans, and an aspiring journalist. Her friend Lillian invites her to spend a weekend in a mansion belonging to her uncle, Colonel Henri Dijon, a veteran of Spanish-American war and the owner of a large, but decaying sugar plantation on a secluded island. During the dinner Laura meets members of Lillian's extended family and their alleged friends. As Laura begins to explore the mansion and talk to its inhabitants, she unravels old family feuds and realizes some of those people - if not all - have their own plans and schemes. It all gets much worse when strange accidents and murders start to occur. Laura must investigate those gruesome events and find the culprit.
The Colonel's Bequest is a detective mystery adventure game very similar in style and presentation to Agatha Christie's novels. The game world is confined to the island and consists of numerous interconnected areas, such as various rooms in the mansion, garden, smaller structures, etc. The player is free to explore much of the game's world right from the beginning, with only a few areas being initially inaccessible. The game's clock advances a quarter of an hour each time Laura performs an action pertaining to the plot. Characters have their own schedules and clues are often obtained by discretely observing their actions.
The player interacts with the environment by typing verb-object command combinations (such as "Look Garden", "Talk Colonel", etc.). Some of the most common actions have keyboard shortcuts. The gameplay largely focuses on exploration. Much of the plot stays in the background and can be uncovered by talking to the characters about various topics (mostly other people). There is an inventory and a few puzzles, but they play a much less prominent role in the game compared to other adventures by Sierra. It is possible to complete the game without having discovered the entire plot or even without having identified the murderer. There is no scoring system, but after the game is finished the player is given a detective ranking and told about story branches or other elements he might have missed.
What a cool copy protection - compare fingerprints of suspects in your manual and identify the one the game shows you!
from mobygames.com
The intro sequence continues
from mobygames.com
Jeeves, the creepy butler
from mobygames.com
Getting settled in...
from mobygames.com
A nice view of the house
from mobygames.com
Exploring the grounds
from mobygames.com
The upstairs hallway
from mobygames.com
This doesn't look good...
from mobygames.com
Who could this be?
from mobygames.com
Oh no!
from mobygames.com
Hint: Showers are dangerous! At least certain movies tell us so...
from mobygames.com
There are several secret passages in the game! You've discovered one of them. This shot also shows how the game reacts to words it doesn't understand...
from mobygames.com
Following a suspect
from mobygames.com
Every character has a detailed description. Yes, they are one-dimensional, but that's what Agatha Christie tribute is all about!
from mobygames.com
Uh-oh, looks like we've wandered off into some dangerous territory... The game can get quite scary
from mobygames.com
I wonder what could be down here?
from mobygames.com
The game proudly tells you about itself. Those were the days when games tried out unique concepts more often...
from mobygames.com
The clock advances when you trigger it by performing certain actions - as shown here. The game is not real time, but it creates a good illusion of that
from mobygames.com
A bell!Should you ring it?..
from mobygames.com
Spying on Henri and Fifi...
from mobygames.com
The play house. Hmm, looks like it's locked - how can I enter it?..
from mobygames.com
The carriage house
from mobygames.com
Inside the carriage house you find... a carriage. Right. What did you expect, then?..
from mobygames.com
The chapel
from mobygames.com
Inside the chapel. It looks sad...
from mobygames.com
Characters move around and do stuff on their own all the time. Here, you see a servant catering to an old rich guy in the library
from mobygames.com
Applying some oil to a rusty suit of armor
from mobygames.com
In the kitchen with Lillian and Celie
from mobygames.com
Even the dog gets first class treatment around here
from mobygames.com
Laura visits a seemingly abandoned room. Opening the actions menu - there are several convenient shortcuts
from mobygames.com
A beautiful view of the garden. I typed "look statue" and that's the description I got
from mobygames.com
There are quite a few ways to die in this game, of course. Here, Laura accidentally falls into the water...
from mobygames.com
The barn
from mobygames.com
A well
from mobygames.com
A good view of the mansion
from mobygames.com
Laura Bow - Tomb Raider!
from mobygames.com
The Colonel's bedroom (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Billiards Room (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Downstairs hallway (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Front porch (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Near the swamp (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Path (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Trophy and gun room (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Fifi's room (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
Outside hedge garden (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
The bathroom (EGA / TANDY)
from mobygames.com
The attic. Note the cool lightning effects
from mobygames.com
Outside of the house (CGA, higher resolution, but only two colors). The game will sometimes make such comments on its own
from mobygames.com
The copy protection screen.
from mobygames.com
The game gives you the option of skipping the intro if you've played the game before.
from mobygames.com
Intro: Colonel writes his will.
from mobygames.com
Intro: The cast of characters.
from mobygames.com
Intro: Laura's friend invites her to the Colonel's estate.
from mobygames.com
Intro: Going to the Colonel's estate.
from mobygames.com
Intro: Arriving at the dock.
from mobygames.com
Intro: The Colonel's estate.
from mobygames.com
Intro: Dinner.
from mobygames.com
Intro: The Colonel.
from mobygames.com
I have a notebook.
from mobygames.com
In Ethel's room.
from mobygames.com
Upstair's hallway.
from mobygames.com
The bathroom.
from mobygames.com
A secret passage.
from mobygames.com
Upstairs. Be careful around that railing, it's broken.
from mobygames.com
I fell and died.
from mobygames.com
Fifi and the Colonel.
from mobygames.com
Fifi's room.
from mobygames.com
Downstair's hall.
from mobygames.com
Suit of armor.
from mobygames.com
Trying to eavesdrop and it's not working!
from mobygames.com
Dr. Feels and the Jeeves the butler.
from mobygames.com
Oh... It's not like there's a MURDERER lurking about is there?
from mobygames.com
from mobygames.com
from mobygames.com
An oilcan.
from mobygames.com
Outside a fancy garden.
from mobygames.com
A fancy garden.
from mobygames.com
Why is there always locked doors in adventure games?
from mobygames.com
A well.
from mobygames.com
Doghouse and doors.
from mobygames.com
The cook is busy.
from mobygames.com
Outside hedge garden.
from mobygames.com
Hedge garden.
from mobygames.com
Watch out for the alligator!
from mobygames.com
Broken bridge.
from mobygames.com
The moon reflecting on the water.
from mobygames.com
from mobygames.com
Statue of the Colonel in front of the mansion.
from mobygames.com
The Colonel's Bequest
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The cast of the game appears on stage.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
A nice sunny peaceful day for our hero, but things are about to change...
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Coming to the mansion in the intro.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
"Ah! Another visitor! Stay awhile... Stay forever!"
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Dinner begins.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The man himself.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Act 1 begins.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Larua talks to Ethel.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The bathroom.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The Colonel's room.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Dr. Feel's room.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
A secret passageway.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Spying on the Colonel and Fifi.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Upstairs hall.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Fifi's room.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Suit of armor.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Billards room.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Downstairs hallway.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The butler serves a guest.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Fifi dusting in the study.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Venturing outside.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
A statue of the Colonel in his war years.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The well is nearby.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Looking down the well.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Laura tries to play the Crocodile Hunter and fails. Oh, Crikey!
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Estate gates.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The barn.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
In the barn.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
The garden is nearby.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
In the garden.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Inside the chapel.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Graveyard - spooky!
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Outside the mansion.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Entrance to a hedge garden.
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com