Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz is a text adventure, a sequel to the classic first Zork. Once again, the game is set in the Great Underground Empire, but this time the main goal is to face off against the titular Wizard.
Like its predecessor, Zork II plays like any other text adventure: there are no graphics - only text - and the player types commands such as "lift cage" or "examine robot".
This must be the guy in the game's name
(Apple II)
from mobygames.com
From lush description to a dire threat to my well-being!
(Apple II)
from mobygames.com
Well, I can't say I wasn't warned. Plus I get a second chance!
(Apple II)
from mobygames.com
Starting location.
(Commodore 64)
from mobygames.com
Inside a Gazebo
(Commodore 64)
from mobygames.com
Came across a dragon
(Commodore 64)
from mobygames.com
Inside the Bank of Zork
(Commodore 64)
from mobygames.com
The starting location
from mobygames.com
It is pitch black; you are likely to be eaten by a grue.
from mobygames.com
I have found a dragon!
from mobygames.com
The Wizard's workroom. Most of the stuff on the bench is useless junk, though.
from mobygames.com
The Wizard's trophy room - powerful magic prevents you from picking up anything in it. And there is a warning label about that.
from mobygames.com
The Wizard's quarters appear differently every time you look at them. There are 7 possible appearances.
from mobygames.com
This seems like Wonderland but I don't see the Mad Hatter anywhere.
from mobygames.com
Inside the Bank of Zork - one of the tougher puzzles in the game.
from mobygames.com
from mobygames.com
Game start - Narrow Tunnel
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Foot Bridge
from mobygames.com
Great Cavern
from mobygames.com
Shallow Ford
from mobygames.com
Dark Tunnel
from mobygames.com
North End of Garden
from mobygames.com
from mobygames.com
Carousel Room
from mobygames.com
Game save
from mobygames.com
Starting location
(Atari ST)
from mobygames.com
Starting location
from mobygames.com
After some exploring, I found a unicorn (colors can be changed with Workbench Preferences).
from mobygames.com