The Capri Connection

A mysterious vortex casts your mind through a Space-Time Rip into the body of Nick Freuds in a Parallel Universe. Soon you discover that the minds of many other people have been cast into their corresponding bodies in the Parallel Universe, and not only that... it's your duty to close the Space-Time Rip to bring back all the swapped minds to their original bodies and to avoid other big disasters. Professor Gravitiello calls you explaining what happened. He gives you hints on how to solve the problem. During your search you will meet 30 characters, some of them helping you providing useful information, some putting obstacles in your way or even trying to kill you because they have no interest to come back to the Universe they come from. Soon you will discover that the problem can be solved using the "Butterfly effect" of the chaos theory. You need to induce a butterfly to flap its wings at the center of an hexagon made with special Light Crystals. You will find the Light Crystals in gorgeous real places such as Capri, Amalfi, Positano, Pogerola, Procida and Naples. Then you will need to find where to lay down the Light Crystals to attract the butterfly...

The Capri Connection is the third game of a trilogy of point-and-click, first-person adventure games based on photos and animations, where the setting is a real place and most of the characters are real people, often performing in the game as they do in their real life. Unlike the other two games, the setting in The Capri Connection has been extended from Capri to other places nearby. The game, similarly to the other two games of the trilogy, can be played in two modes: Adventure Mode and Walking Mode.

In Walking Mode the player just visits the setting as a tourist. In Adventure Mode the player has to solve a mystery by visiting sites, finding useful objects and solving puzzles along the way in order to reach the final solution. During the game, you can always read what the characters encountered until that point said when you met them. You also have an inventory to store objects to be used later as they are needed.

Preceded by Anacapri: The Dream
Series Capri (3)
Added March 8, 2020
Published By S-G Software
Front Cover (Italy) (Windows) from
Back Cover (Italy) (Windows) from
Media (Italy) (Windows) from
The title screen. As in previous 'Capri' games, you can both play the adventure game or just walk around (Windows) from
Now we get to visit not just Capri, but several other great places as well (Windows) from
A street in Capri (Windows) from
An interior of our Capri house where the game starts (Windows) from
A refrigerator-like machine is used for fast travelling! (Windows) from
Capri, by the sea at night (Windows) from
A panoramic view from Monte Salaro, Anacapri (Windows) from
A park in Napoli (Windows) from
A panoramic view from the park in Napoli (Windows) from
Walking around in Amalfi (Windows) from
Apartment in Amalfi (Windows) from
The castle in Napoli (Windows) from
We have to solve many puzzles as well... (Windows) from
...and to meet some interesting people! (Windows) from
In the forest (Windows) from
Just walking around (Windows) from
By the sea in Positano (Windows) from

Year of Release:



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